Marketing Workshop Albuquerque

New Mexico Small Business Marketing

One of the most common mistakes small businesses make is using outdated marketing strategies and advertising channels that don’t work. Print media may be effective in some small business marketing plans. But, chances are if you don’t have a Facebook or other digital marketing presence, your advertising dollars aren’t showing much ROI. The business coaches atAction Coach can help you develop an effective small business marketing plan that’s right for you.

What’s Right for my Business?

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to small business marketing. A lot of factors influence what marketing strategies and advertising channels will be effective for you:

  • Your target audience—their age, location, interests, internet accessibility, etc.
  • Your industry’s best practices and standards
  • Your products and services
  • Your business’s processes and systems
  • Your financial and technological resources

You cannot develop an effective small business marketing plan without research. Before sinking more money into print channels or abandoning them altogether, you need to find out what really works for your company.

Action Coach will provide you the tools to test and measure different marketing strategies to find out what advertising approaches are getting you the most new leads, landing you the most new sales and inviting customers to return.

Contact Action Coach to create or update your New Mexico small business marketing plan. We can teach you marketing strategies that have been proven to work for businesses in hundreds of industries around the world.

Action Coach

We’re in the business of building your business, giving you the opportunity for a better life!