Group Business Coaching Albuquerque

Group Business Coaching in New Mexico

Among a group of business owners, managers and sales team leaders, there’s a wealth of experience and knowledge to be mined and applied to your business. Learn from others, teach others—that’s the theory behind Action Coach group coaching.

The Purpose of Group Coaching

In 1-2-1 business coaching/mentoring, you focus on your business alone as you work with a business coach to define goals and develop a strategic plan. Group coaching offers something a little bit different. Besides focusing on long-range future plans, group coaching provides (re)education on a wide variety of business topics that you can apply to your business immediately.

How Group Coaching Works

In a “leveraged group” format, small groups of approximately 10 New Mexico business owners, managers and team leads meet every two weeks at the Action Coach office (a neutral location) to discuss their businesses. Individuals pose questions or problems to the group for opinions, advice and anecdotal evidence of what does or doesn’t work. Essentially, group members coach each other towards more effective business practices and systems.

When the group is stuck for solutions or new ideas, the Action Coach coach is able to provide group members with the same time-tested and all-industry-applicable tools they share with individual clients.

When Business Gets Personal

Because you are heavily invested in the success of your company, discussions of business concerns often lead to sharing personal feelings—about your employees, your work-life (un)balance, your wavering confidence, etc. As with 1-2-1 business coaching, all personal information shared in group coaching sessions is kept among the group. The lessons and advice, however, are yours to take, share and use.

Group coaching is your opportunity to be part of a “think tank” with other New Mexico business leaders. You can learn from their mistakes and successes, and you can teach them through yours. Contact Action Coach to find out how you can benefit from the synergy of many minds. We offer group coaching in Santa Fe, Albuquerque and throughout New Mexico.

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